Thanks for all the years of patience and love.
Thanks for reminding me (repeatedly) that I am worthy of that love.
Thanks for showing me your love for each other,
for in that love, I find hope that I will find someone to share our lives with.
Thanks for showing me the value of true friendship;
that friendship is a two way street, a give and take.
Thanks for teaching me how to give,
though sometimes I still forget how important simple gestures of love gratitude can be.
Thanks for helping me learn how to give from love and not from a need to be accepted.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to see how hard it is for me
to take true compliments by giving them in love and honesty.
Thanks for being my mirror, and for challenging me to change parts of me
that were not constructive and challenging me to grow.
Thanks for being an ear for me when I needed to talk about my concerns, Ideas and dreams.
Thanks for sharing your dreams with me, allowing me to share your hopes.
Thanks for sharing your concerns and fears with me,
showing me that you trusted me to be your strength, too.
Thanks for being my shelter and refuge when I felt alone and unsafe.
Thanks for being my brothers.
Thank You – Copyright © 2004, Kevin Tillman – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED